Tildon Suinton criticized Harry Potter


"I think in such places a very cruel environment for children, and it is unlikely to bring them a lot of benefit. Children need their parents. That is why I am against the books like "Harry Potter", where such institutions are romanticized, "Suinton explained in an interview with The Scots Magazine.

It should be noted that the actress really has every reason for such an opinion: at one time she herself at the age of 10 was in a closed boarding school for girls West Heath and experienced a very difficult time away from their parents, which she still unpleasantly remember. Tilda Suinton emphasizes that in childhood for a child it is very important to stay next to his parents - whatever tempting and cheerful did not seem to have an idea of ​​living in the school a la Hogwarts.

By the way, the modern education system of Tilde Suinton is well known - in 2013, she spoke with the founder of the School of Drumduan Upper School Scotland, in which her two children learn. The educational institution is noteworthy in that it does not conduct exams, and students spend most of the time for practical classes.

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