"The pulse was not auditioned": Ashley Judd showed the photo "55-hour salvation" in the hospital


The operation that Ashley Judd survived after he broke the leg in the Congo, was only the beginning of a long recovery process. After the 52-year-old actress came out of the forest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where, hoping to see the disappearing view of Bonobo's monkeys, it came across a fallen tree, she was taken to the Sanninghill hospital in Johannesburg. There, Judd conducted an operation, during which blood transfusion took. The Ashley itself calls it "55-hour salvation."

"I arrived at the clinic from the Congo in a terrible state, and the pulse did not listen on my foot. I desperately needed blood transfusion. Qualified nurses took care of my condition, "Ashley admits. The surgeon stabilized the actress foot using an external retainer until massive damage to soft tissues and the tumor did not decrease. The actress thanked the medical staff of the clinic for his salvation.

Despite the fact that now in South Africa doctors pay a lot of time to combat coronavirus infection, they managed to assist Judd. The star also says that her father, Michael Sammillla, has already received a dose of Vaccine from COVID-19 and was able to fly to Johannesburg to visit the daughter.

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