"I used to hide behind the hair": Demi Lovato crashed to overcome complexes


For a long time, her long hair was the highlight of Demi Lovato. However, recently, the singer decided to radically change the image, and now instead of a long mane wears a short haircut with shamened whiskeys and pink strands on the top of the top.

In a recent interview on Shaw Ellen Degerenes Demi told why she decided to get rid of long hair.

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"I feel so free. I like it became real. And it also seems to me that I used to hide behind my hair, "said Lovato. The singer admitted that she had disorder of food behavior, and the hair helped her a little hide the body.

"I used the hair to close them. And when I started working on myself, I thought: what I keep this in my life and everything can not let go? And it was hair. Now I feel myself, "she shared Lovato.

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Now the singer is preparing for the exit of the documentary biographical film Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil, in which it tells in detail about his problems with drugs and overdose, which in 2018 almost took her life.

In the announcement of the film, Demi told that several heart attacks were transferred, and also received a brain injury, with the consequences of which still dealt. "I want to tell fans of my story. It seems to me that she can help those who went along the same way that I once, "said Lovato.

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