"Russian version of Jared Summer": Daniel Far Insurance is discussed on the network at Urgant


The other day, Daniel Strahov visited the show "Evening Urgant" than very pleased his fans. After all, as you know, the actor rarely gives an interview and participates in similar transmissions. He told Ivan Urgant about the new series, which will be published on the first channel, - "Khaki's resort". "The story of an adult person who did not really grew up, because the boy hides inside each of us," the fears said.

The actor looked young and freshly, which struck many fans, because the insurance was already 44 years old. Some decided that he practically did not change since the time of the series "Poor Nastya", which was released in 2003. Part of the follovers even compared the Zhanghar star with another non-separating actor Jared Summer. "The Russian version of Jared Summer", "does not change at all," the network users said.

Many fans stated that they were glad to see the insurance at the "Evening Urgant". "Daniel is an excellent actor, I am pleased to follow his work", "He is very good as a person and as an actor, my pet," "a good guest in transmission", "fears - my childhood crash, especially in the" poor Nastya "," Smart, talented, intelligent man, Aristocrat Daniel Frakhov, "the subscribers said.

Recall that Daniel Strahov is a famous Russian actor theater and cinema. He does not often give an interview, but it spends a lot of time on the shooting area. Among the most popular serials and films with his participation - "poor Nastya", "Zakhan", "Children of Arbat".

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