"Why are such poses with a child?": Locking attracted attention to pictures with her son.


Victoria Lopierva's subscribers admit that they discovered the model profile in Instagram from the new side. Fans not only read posts about the life of the blonde and look at her photos, but also recognize her as a good mother. The other day, Lockarev said that it is especially important for her in the upbringing of the Son.

Mark Lionel at the beginning of the month turned 2 years old. However, Victoria believes that the child's aspiration should be paid to the child's aspirations. We must try to develop his interests. "I am always like a spy, look at what Mark Leo pays attention to what toys and books are best," the model admitted.

Subscribers this time more interested not to reflect the star, but her pictures with the baby. It seems, Victoria, posing with his son, tried to draw attention to his figure, making focus on the rear angle. "Why build such poses when you play with a child?" - Falloviers are perplexed.

Locking explained that the photos asked to make her spouse. Fans immediately rushed to help the idol. They believe that Victoria should not be reported to unknown personalities, because the desire of the husband is much more important than the opinion of Internet users. In addition, according to fans, Locking thus demonstrates an example of beauty from early childhood. "What a beautiful mommy! The son is very lucky "," Butter painting. Always said that you will be superman! "," Figure is just a bomb! " - Pans say.

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