"When I see him, I want to scream": Billy Isilish appealed to the police because of the stalker


Billy Alish is struggling with an annoyed fan, which documeks it from the summer of 2020. A 23-year-old young man named John broke the camp near the house of Billy, from where he watched the singer when she came out of the house. In addition, he threw her strange notes. In one of them, he warned a star that "Water will raise soon, and she will die."

It came to the point that Billy appealed to the police and the court demanding to issue John a ban on approaching her and her family. "I no longer feel safe when I go out of the house, I can't do physical exercises on the street, because it can come to me and harm at any time. When I see him, I want to scream, "said Isilish.

According to TMZ, the court went to meet the singer and issued a guard order. Now the suspicious stalker has no right to approach Billy and its family at least 180 meters.

In May last year, Isilish has already come across such: the obsessive fan tried to get into her house. He called the door several times and came across her father. "Does Billy Isilish live here?" - asked the guy. Getting a negative answer, he did not stop. For some time, he sat on Billy's porch at home, and when the security kicked him out of the site, the fan tried to swell from the fence at home Aylish. As a result, the singer also banned the young man through the court to approach her home.

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