Pregnant Ivanka Trump in Town & Country magazine. February 2016.


On the election campaign of Donald Trump : "He goes to the most prestigious election position in the country. And, perhaps, in the world. It is pleasant to observe how his ideas find a response. He is my father, and I love it. And fully support. If he needs help, I will always be there. "

About how it belongs to the scandalous statements of the Father: "Well, I am his daughter. I do not affect his political point of view. I do not climb there. This is his campaign. I do not think that it should play some role in it. But like his child, I can criticize him. This is how children do. My daughter Arabella every day suits me trials. People ask if I do not agree with my father? It would be strange to answer "no".

About Tramp Sexy Comments Address Carly Fiorina and Megin Kelly: "You could also hear some unflattering comments that he lets the men. I believe that my father is convinced of gender equality. If someone does not like him, he always tells about it and argues his answer. I suppose it is another feature that people like. He always says what he thinks.

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