The star of the "Immortal Guard" Marvan Kenzari received a role in "Black Adam"


In the cast of "Black Adam" was replenished. According to the Hollywood Reporter edition, Marvan Kenzari joined the Casta Blogbster Cast Johnson. Who will play the star of the "Immortal Guard" and "Aladdin", until it is specified.

The plot details of the tape are carefully hidden, but it is assumed that in the film there will be some characters from the Society Society of America, which will play Eldis Khoja (Hawk Man), Noah Sentineo (atomic cramping) and Kintencess Suincons (Cyclone). In addition, an important role in the narrative was allocated by the heroine of Sarah Shahi - the university professor, which headed the movement of resistance in the Kandak, on the homeland of Antigero Johnson.

For the production of expensive Kinineomix DC, the Zhauma Cole-Serra is responsible, the director of the Air Marshal and the family blockbuster disney "Cruise on the jungle". The scenario was written by the author "Rampej" Adam Sistemel. According to insiders, the start of the shooting process is pre-scheduled for April of this year. The specific date of release at the "Black Adam" is not yet, but this question is expected to be the leaders of New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. We settled in the coming months.

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