Insider denied rumors about Jason's Roman And Jennifer Aniston


In November last year, Jason Sudjakis broke up with Olivia Wilde after seven years of living together. The couple have two children - 6-year-old Otis and 4-year-old Daisy.

There were rumors that, after a gap with Olivia, Jason was looking for consolation in communicating with Jennifer Aniston. The source from the celebrity circle was told in January that the actors communicate a lot, and Jen helps a colleague to survive parting. Since then, Aniston's fans have suspected that the actress "noted a referee for himself."

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Also, Jason recently attributed a novel with a model Kieley Heizelle.

However, a man from the Circle of Jason stated that the referee "is not ready to make new relationships", therefore does not seek them. He noted that Heizelle is a good friend of Jason since the filming of "non-bosses 2" in 2014. According to Insider, "the media is all exaggerated."

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It seems that the Aniston of Sudditions also connects exclusively friendship. The source told that the actress directs him in questions of yoga and meditation and communicates with him every day. "She became the absolute support of Jason in this difficult period. They call and write each other every day. She shares his experience with him with his experience of breaking, "the informant shared, referring to the severe parting of Aniston with Brad Pitt in 2005.

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