5 reasons why women-aquarities seem to be strange


Men if you started a relationship with a girl-aquarity, then find out what is such a wonder you can expect from her! Get ready for fascinating adventure in your relationship! You will not be boring.

Strange the first: Queen of Bala

A little scattered is not scary. But here's how it is manifested and under what situations, it is worth thinking. Let's give an example! Suppose you are planned in the evening a secular dress code, etiquette, exquisite manners and even butler. You delivered the invitation in advance and reported the topic of the event. But your aquarius girl, despite everything, came to a party in a sports suit. PF-F-F-F ... You, to put it mildly, surprised, and she is absolutely calm. Well, think, I forgot to change clothes! There is no drama at all - in any robe, the Queen of the Aquarius will be able to become a queen.

Strange Second: Only a Special Date

You can sink it with roses, crumble in compliments and throw unambiguous views on it, but the Aquarius girl will remain indifferent and will not give any response. How so? And everything is simple! The usual courtship does not like this air beauty, she always wants something non-standard and new.

Therefore, to conquer her attention, you will really try. Flying on a balloon or dinner on the roof of the skyscraper - something in this spirit! Connect fantasy and surprise her!

Strange third: Duma about their

At first glance, Aquarius may seem very arrogant special. Somehow I didn't look like that, something more superfluous in my replica dropped, not such a gesture showed ... And this is all because of the oddity of the first. She simply thought about her and did not want to evil! That's for sure!

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Strange fourth: thirst for new sensations

The unpredictability of the leisure of the girl Aquarius is a standard story for this person. Every day she tries to do different from the previous, unforgettable and bright. The explosive temperament and the thirst for new sensations take their own and do not leave her a chance for boredom and laziness. You will have to join this game and participate in the most unexpected quests.

Strange fifth: No woven!

Representatives of the sign of the zodiac Aquarius are not the best partners to discuss the latest news and gossip. They fail to talk about someone behind his back and, if possible, try not to give it to others. They are ambitious and fair girls! And it's commendable!

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