Famous coach Gillian Michaels spoke against the half-lit calf


About those who do Selfie in the gym: "I do not support those fitness professionals who remove their fifth points or other parts of the body. It is no longer fitness, I am a soft variety of porn. Sorry, but let's call things with your own names. In this way, do you want to talk about your achievements? Stick. I understand you love your body. And it's commendable. But it is not fitness. Fitness, in my opinion, this is an opportunity to develop your abilities, to become stronger and increase self-esteem. "

About what you need to take your body: "I think people should always love themselves. It doesn't matter who they look like. Because only in this case can you feel happy. But I do not approve of people who undermine their health. People ask me that provokes obesity. I would say that this disrespect for myself. If you loved yourself, they would know that your arteries from the inside look just awful. Here and it is necessary to separate your beauty from the state of your body. Are you like a person? Beautiful and worthy of the best. Your body? Unhealthy. It's time to start work. "

About the desire to have everything: "Maria Schriver spoke perfectly on this:" Have everything - yes. But not at the same time. "

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