The series "Fate: Winx Saga Club" extended for the second season


The series Netflix "Fate: Winx Saga Club" under a new angle presented a familiar story in a cartoon, and the audience perceived the shielding with great enthusiasm. And the day before it turned out that the show would be continued: Stream-service ordered the production of the second season, which will consist of eight episodes.

"Fate: Winx Club Saga tells about the adventures of the five girlfriends, which, upon reaching the age of majority, are sent to Alfa, a magic boarding school, located in the past world. There they must learn how to own their magical abilities, passing through the difficulties of love, rivalry, and at the same time cope with the monsters threatening their lives. Chief roles in the show played by Abigail Cowen, Hannah van der Westhoezen, Preli Mustafa, Eliot Salt and Elisha Epplbaum.

Commenting on the news about the extension of the series, Showranner Brian Young noted that six episodes presented in the first season reflect only a small part of an amazing magic world and inhabiting his powerful chairs. He also promised that the history of Bloom would get a continuation that began, but at the same time the audience will learn more and about other characters - Aise, Stella, Terre and Museum. "And you never know who may appear in Alpell in the next semester," added the producer.

"Fate: Saga Club Winx" debuted on Netflix on January 22, and the second season shooting will be held in Ireland this year. At the same time, it is clarified that the audience later learn news about who from the actors will appear in the show.

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