"In the babies chosen genes": Maxim Galkin showed how children were tapped


Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugachev pay great attention to the upbringing of his children. Luxury school, dancing, music, constant physical activity - Star parents try to give the best to their heirs. Galkin is often divided by video clubs with twins in his blog. This time a humorist published a video on which Harry and Lisa depict the fans of a star father. "A minute of glory," the artist roller signed.

The video immediately scored a large number of views and comments. Star colleagues, such as Maria Zaitseva, Natalia Yakimchuk, Lilia Abramova, Igor Glyaev, Alexander Rybak and others appreciated the sense of humor of children. Fans also supported a star family. "How do they like both of both of them!", "Humorists, like dad!", "Beautiful actors!" - wrote users under the video.

Twins Lisa and Harry were born in 2013 from Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin with the help of surrogate maternity. Galkin does not hide that the desire to raise children proceeded to Alla Borisovna. According to the humorist, the spouse became the best mother. For Maxim, this marriage was first. Alla Borisovna marriage is already the fifth in the account. From the first marriage with a mycolas of Orbakas, the star has a daughter Christina Orbakaite.

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