"Meful breakfast for bourgeois": Jan Rudkovskaya ridiculous for the "tasteless" dishes on the table


Yana Rudkovskaya in the personal microblog leads a permanent category called "My Breakfasts", in which the pictures demonstrate their own morning meal, served by expensive dishes and decorated with luxurious bouquets of colors.

In the latest photo, the producer breakfast looked pretty diverse and in products, and in a serving. In a crystal vase, apples lay on a green plate in the form of a sheet - pieces of cheese, cherry tomatoes, olives and something similar to dried meat, and on a small dish in the form of a starfish - cookies, chocolate and other sweets. Went a table cooked for breakfast, as always, a bouquet, this time from yellow-orange roses.

Rudkovskaya's subscribers were surprised that she again served breakfast only for one person, reminded her that the knife should lie on the right side, and the plug on the left, and noted that the morning meal of Yana includes a very large amount of salt and sugar.

"Every time the breakfast is some kind of garbage," Are you sure that the devices lie correctly? "," Left -sham, probably, "" And where is the black caviar? Something a meager breakfast for bourgeois, "" Such a mantle of dishes on the table ", - Criticize business women network users.

And some stated that they are completely not interested in the breakfasts of Yana Rudkovskaya, her dishes, bouquets and other luxury, which she surrounded himself and constantly brags before his poor subscribers.

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