"It was not easy": 15-year-old daughter of a wolf sang on her performance


It is known that after Anastasia Volochkova, with a scandal, resigned from the Bolshoi Theater, she opened his own school and puts performances as the author and director. On the day of his anniversary, Prima invited friends and close to the premiere of another author's design "Ballerina in the Circus Casher", where he played a major role. The lionesk lioness descended onto the scene on the ropes, demonstrated to the audience their company swords and performed complex acrobatic numbers.

Not so long ago, the desire to participate in the states of the mother expressed the daughter of the ballerina - 15-year-old Ariadne. The girl currently lives with his father, Igor Igor's businessman in the center of Moscow, and the mother comes only to visit. A couple of weeks ago Volochkova, the youngest drove to visit Mum and sang for her on the scene of the home theater in the rustic castle of the star. Then Volochkova announced its subscribers that Ariadne would take part in its performance, which will be held in Mytishchi.

And this lucky moment has come. Ariadne performed his debut song in French. The event was charitable, and the concert tickets were distributed free of charge. Happy mother with pride boasted daughter debut in instagram. "With the premiere, dear! You are a big one! After three years of lack of in your life, vocal again go on stage, and even fortunately, in my project it was not easy. I'm proud of you!" - Palerina wrote and admitted that the idea to sing in French belonged to the Ariadne itself, and this stroke brought new paints to the concert.

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