Top 10 of the most faithful Hollywood films of 2015


"Climbing Jupiter"

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The creators of the legendary trilogy "Matrix" Vachovski in 2015 completely failed with their new film "Climb Jupiter." Haming at $ 176 million, only 184 million earned in Vachovski - which, taking into account the additional costs of marketing and advertising, is actually a loss. From the very beginning, the "climb of Jupiter" had problems: the date of the film premiere was transferred several times, and in the end they were shifted almost half a year. Of the advantages - only the fact that the stars of the film, Channing Tatum and Mila Cunis, were nominated for Teen Chaise Awards and Kids Choice Awards.

"Earth of the Future"

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Even the Hollywood "Titan" George Clooney did not help the Disney studio as it should earn on the "earth of the future": a film with a budget in 190 million dollars earned only 208.6 million in global boxes. It would seem that 20 million - profits, though small, but in fact disney spent on shooting and, most importantly, the film advertising is much more than 190 million - 330! As a result, the "Earth of the Future" disney will lose about 120-140 million. However, the studio itself is to blame: "Earth of the Future" at the box office had to compete with "Avengers: Era Altron" and "Mad Max: the road of furious", so the film was doomed in advance to failure.

"Peng: Journey to Netland"

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Critics literally "bombed" the new "Pan" before his exit to the rental, so the brilliant acting game Hugh Jackman and Rooney Mara film could not save. The declared budget "Pan" amounted to 150 million dollars, in fact, the film was costing the studio Warner Bros. In 250 million - and earned only 125, so the losses of the studio will make up about 130-150 million dollars.

"Our brand - crisis"

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From the point of view of the struggle for equality in Hollywood, the new film Sandra Bullock may have been an achievement (in the end, Bullock managed to "lead the role of George Clooney himself). But from the point of view of cash collections "Our brand - crisis" completely failed at the box office. Yes, the filming of the film for the current standards spent quite a bit - 28 million dollars. But I earned "our brand - crisis" more than modest 7.5 (!) Millions, a record low amount for all the long-term career of Sandra.


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"Mordekai" is an amazing example of how the most famous actors and actresses are not able to save a frankly failure project. The film, which was starred by Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Paul Bettani, Yuen McGregor and Olivia Mann, earned 47.3 million dollars at 60 million budget. Of course, the reviews were defeated, and the Rotten Tomatoes "Mordekai" received 12%, and on Metacritic - more than a modest estimate of 27 out of 100.


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Some Hollywood actors were prepared for all her life. One amplua is prepared - and it is not surprising at all that the audience was absolutely not interesting to look at Sean Penn, who in old age decided to try himself as a fighter star. The French-American fighter "Ganmen" earned more than 16.9 million dollars, more than modest - and this is with 40 million budget.

"Fantastic Four"

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An attempt to revive the next "superhero" Saga, the new "fantastic four" with a deafening roar failed at the box office and proved the 20th Century Fox that they should dwell on the "people of X" and do not try to compete with Marvel and its film. The "fantastic four" could not boast of the famous actors nor an interesting plot - so that at 120 million budget earned only 112 million, burying the hopes of the 20th Century Fox to create another "superhero" franchise.

"Number 44"

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The brilliant role of Tom Hardy in the "Mad Max: The Road of Freak" made the audience forget that the actor starred in one of the most unsuccessful films of 2015 - "Number 44". In the native, American rental film with a budget of 50 million earned only 1.2 million dollars, and in total - modest 13. At the same time, in addition to Tom Hardy, other loud names were involved in the project - Hardy was Gary Oldman, and One of the producers became Ridley Scott, fortunately, soon justified for his failure, thanks to the success of Martian.


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Neither the owner of four nominations for Oscar, director Michael Mann, nor the "superhero-old" blockbuster Marvel Chris Hemsworth failed to save "cyber" - a completely good film that failed at the rental simply due to an unsuccessful advertising campaign. 70 million dollars were spent on the shooting of the film, but in the end he earned only 19.5 million. Apparently, the studio Universal decided to "merge" his money on the Grand Promotion "Fast and Furious 7", simply "scoring" to advertise the "Kibera" published before this.


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Ages brilliant caste with Bradley Cooper, Rachel Makadams and Emma Stone could not save "alohu" - with a budget of $ 37 million, the film has collected only 26.3 million in the rental. And an even more unpleasant problem was the fact that "Aloha" was extremely angry with tolerant critics - the film was accused of popularizing racial stereotypes and "too white" an acting composition. Emma Stone, who played the "Aloja" girl with Hawaiian-Chinese roots, publicly stated that he regrets his consent to play in the film.

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