"Complex technical process": Frost spoke about passion in bed scenes


Perhaps there is nothing surprising in the fact that many are interested in how bed scenes are filmed in the movies. Also, the public cares how those or other actors belong to this kind of episodes. By the way, some of them have already told about it in their microblogs in Instagram or during various talk shows. Now the turn has reached the deserved artist of the Russian Federation Darya Moroz.

So, the ex-wife of the director Konstantina Bogomolov touched the intriguing the subject in his story. The thing is that one of the follovers asked frost, whether she experienced a true passion during bed scenes.

The celebrity responded to this as follows: "If seriously, then the topic" How to play bed scenes in the movies "would be necessary to introduce a course of the acting profession. This is a very complex technical process. And trust relationships with a partner is a very important point of this process. " By the way, the star decided to accompany his response by a snapshot, where he was captured with actor Vladimir Mishukov. Together, they starred in the popular TV series "Designs", which, as is known, is distinguished by the abundance of bed scenes.

Recall that among other artists who recently decided to speak out regard to the spicy episodes in the cinema, Natalia Medvedev, Marina Zudina, Nonna Grishaeva.

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