Adam Levin's wife published a rare photo with a three-year-old daughter


Behacti Prince and Adam Levin is rarely divided by photographs of their two daughters to Row and Gio Grace. Recently, Pronslight shared in his Instagram with a picture of Jio, who had just celebrated his birthday. The picture was depicted by Prinrla and her three-year-old daughter with elven filters on the faces.

"My best friend turned 3 years old," the model signed a photo.

Fans rated mother images with her daughter and congratulated Jio with the past birthday.

"Happy holiday, baby!", "This is the second Behadi!", "Like twins!" - Posted followers under the publication of the princes.

Many months have passed since the pair for the first time shared photos of their daughters. Star parents prefer to lead a more closed lifestyle. Now the couple is busy daughters, but they do not exclude the possibility of expanding their family. Levin last year said that if his spouse wants, then another child may have another child.

"I think if I asked her to make another child right now, she would hit me on the face, because she was not ready yet," the Frontman Maroon 5 jokes.

Pair did not yet decide how many children they want. Adam and Behacy believe that everything is their time.

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