5 signs that say that there were witches in your family


The lady of old age is presented, hardly a beautiful outforth, living in the forest and cooking potions in his bowler. But what if we say that the witches live among us? Yes, they look somewhat differently - just like ordinary women. But make in themselves many mysteries and a huge stock of energy, which can be both dark and bright. Wait, what if you are the witch too? I wanted to know more stake? Now we will analyze the 5 main signals that clearly make it clear that you own superpowers.

Developed intuition

Did you often be predicting events? Or give other people the fateful tips? Maybe somehow you decided not to go to a specific place at the last moment, and some trouble happened in it? And if you went, the misfortune would happen to you. At such moments, we say: "God dismissed ..." And what if you just felt at the level of sensations, how to do to stay safe? If you find out in these simple examples - congratulations, your intuition is developed, and very much.

Intuition is also called inner voice, which leads us through life. Do not always people decide to listen to her, referring to the fact that the rational thinking still did not let anyone. And only the most bold can trust intuition, which, according to the result, will become their guiding star in life.


It happens that, having hit some part of the body, we automatically begin to rub it with your hands, trying to remove pain. And it works! Doctors can refer to heat that is created by friction of hands, but the mediums treat it differently: when touched the hands, an energy field is created, covering the place affected by pain, and the pain relief process begins. If you develop this skill, you can help this way not only yourself, but also to other people.

5 signs that say that there were witches in your family 65025_1


Probably one of the most inexplicable and terrible sensations that can be experienced - this is a dejum. Science is more unknown than it is provoked and because of which disappears - as it did not happen. But people possessing superpowers assure that the dejahu is the ability to predict the future for a very short time.

Agree, if you think about it, it sounds very logical. All you see or hear around yourself seems to be familiar, you seem to prevail the next actions and words around you. What is it, if not the gift of prophecy?

Tract for nature

When was the last time you thought about throwing everything, move to the forest and live a quiet life outside the megalopolis? If it was quite recently and with these thoughts you felt inspiration and peace - you are very strong to Mother-Nature. From it you can draw strength and energy, which is unconditional fuel for your gift.

Mutual love with animals

It is not uncommon to observe, conditionally, such a picture: You are visiting someone who has a pet, such as a fighter dog, which usually holds all the guests in fear, not letting it relax and get out of the chair once again. She growls at all, not subpact to himself, and only you gives to stand and soak. And everyone is only surprised and shrugged, they say why such a special attitude to you. If this situation is familiar to you and you can tighten even the very busting tail - congratulations! Animals feel your energy and decide not to go against it, but, on the contrary, make friends with you.

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