Monica explodes the Internet: Courtney Coke performed a pack of "friends" on the piano


Courtney Coke pleased the "Friends" fans with a new special video, which performs the title song of the I'll Be There for You. The company Courtney made up the musician Joel Tyllor, who had played a colleague on the guitar. At the same time on the background played the original version of the song. At the end of the video, Koksov responded to a male voice behind the scenes, and then explained to the camera: "A, it was Chandler."

"So what do you think? Write what else to see me, "the coke turned to subscribers who were pleasantly surprised by the new roller.

"It was Chandler?!", "It made my day, a week, month and year!", "You learned this song so quickly! You see, there is nothing that Courtney cannot, "" With this you coped perfectly, now let's Smelly Cat, "users write in the comments.

Music heading in Instagram Coke appeared not so long ago. In early February, the actress posted a video in which the Song of Rodrigo Driver's License is playing on the piano. Courtney does not hide what he plays likely, and asks subscribers to file her ideas for cover versions to practice more.

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Earlier, Courtney has already appealed to the series "Friends" when I decided to repeat the famous scene from the series about Thanksgiving Day. In honor of the holiday Coke recorded video with the corona dance of his heroine Monica with turkey on the head. The actress used a carcass of the real bird, later she showed how hard it was to wear her head.

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