James Korende did not want to sit on a diet because of gender stereotypes


42-year-old lead and actor James Cordend is known for his roles of full of people. However, now the artist resolutely engaged in his health: he said, recently he lost 7 kilograms and is not going to stop at it. Also, the actor shared that he kept him from such a decision for many years. "A man has always been considered not very sexy to say that he sits on a diet, and not very masculine want to make changes to his health when the rest drink beer," Corden admitted.

The actor who has a son and two daughters from his wife, Julia Cary, no longer believes in these gender stereotypes. Now the lead is recognized that he wants to feel better, and he is not ashamed to admit that for the sake of this he decided to lose weight. "I would like to be the most healthy person in my family for my children. I would like to feel better, "says James.

Five weeks after the start of weight loss, the artist managed to reset 7 kilograms. According to him, it constantly has to do the exercise that he hates. He thanks his wife for helping losing weight. "We are engaged in dumbbells and go to small jogs. I constantly wall about this, and then on the same day with reluctance I admit that I really feel better, "says James.

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