"Heat, Romance": Daria Relawnova shared a photo session with her husband


The other day it became known that Daria Relaistov married Andrei Sharonov. The actress published their joint wedding photo and admitted that they went to this point for eight years.

And after Daria laid out another series of pictures, which showed a joint romantic photoset with a beloved. They are located in a cozy studio and posed the photographer faith Undrice. The photo turned out to be bright and touching: the spouses laughed, throwing up the tangerines and gently looked into each other.

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"Then we went to walk with Andrei in Moscow! The middle of June, the heat, romance, "the photo of Delivanov signed.

She also told fans the history of his acquaintance with Sharonov. It turns out that they introduced their common friends who brought Andrei to the play "Love with the eyes of a detective" at the Mayakovsky Theater, where Daria was playing.

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"Andrei then came with a bouquet of snow-white gladiolus such a beauty, which I did not see what I saw in my life! Well, then - joint gatherings at home, talking until the morning, laughter, champagne, jokes, songs under the guitar, "said Delianov. She also decided to learn from their fans, as they met with their beloved.

Some subscribers in the comments told their dating stories. And others appreciated the beauty of the star couple.

"Beautiful couple", "cool you", "which are", "writing users of the network.

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