Gwyneth Paltrow spoke about the fight against Coronavirus: "Sick at the early stage"


In the new publication, on its GOOP website, Gwyneth Paltrow told about how the COVID-19 fell ill at the beginning of the pandemic and what she led to her desire to recover.

"I suffered a Cowhead at the very beginning of a pandemic. In January I made several tests that showed that a strong inflammatory process is in the body. Then I turned to the intelligent specialist, Dr. Functional Medicine Will Kola. He looked at my tests and said that the path to recovery would be quite long, "Paltrow told.

According to the actress, after his illness, she still had "weakness and fog in the head." Then she decided to take up health thoroughly. Gwyneth writes that he moved to the plant and the keto diet and refused alcohol and sugar.

"I began to cook a lot, something turns out to be very different: the other day I made scallops with crispy capers and sage, asparagus with bacon vinaigrette and several small artichokes with herbs and garlic," the actress shared and noted that he also began to take food Additives.

"All this gives me a good well-being, this is a real gift for the body. I have a lot of energy, I train in the mornings and often attend the infrared sauna. A pleasant bonus was the quality of my skin that I am very pleased. And I even want to care for the skin. People let's do the 2021th year when you no longer need makeup! " - summed up Paltrow.

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