Mia Farrow is afraid that Woody Allen will revenge her for a documentary


February 21 at HBO will be the premiere of the documentary mini-series Allen V. Farrow, which tells about Woody Allen and accusing him in sexual violence. The project involved former spouse Allen Mia Farrow and her children Dylan and Ronan. Together with witnesses, experts and prosecutors, they talk about relations with the director and times, when they still did not know that Allen Roman with the adopted daughter Mii Song and Prevev, on which Woody married the future. Also, the film rises a scandalous topic about sexual violence from the director.

Mia Farrow is afraid that Woody Allen will revenge her for a documentary 65148_1

76-year-old Mia, who broke up with Allen 30 years ago, says that it still cannot relax and is afraid that Woody will revenge her for the film.

"I don't know, I'm just scary. I'm afraid of him. This person is capable of everything, he does not care if it is true. There are so afraid of such people. I worry that when the documentary will be released, he will go to the attack. He will do everything possible to escape from the truth and of that disorder that he arranged, "Farrow shared.

A key role in the series is played by Dylan Farrow, which accuses Allen in sexual violence over her in childhood. For the first time, it became known in 1992, during the loud parting Woody and Mia. Allen did not charge, although the Connecticut Prosecutor stated that there were grounds for initiating a criminal case.

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