Megan Markl will discuss the way out of the royal family and a quarrel with his father on the Oprah show


Recently it became known that Megan Plant and Prince Harry agreed with Winfrey's break to spend a big outstanding interview. Its exit is scheduled for March 7.

Etdition ET talked with the royal expert Katie Nikall and found out that the Duke's interview would most likely tell about the exit of the royal family, and Megan will share in detail relationships with his father.

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"We were transferred to us that it would be a great interview, and it would not be forbidden topics. Megan will discuss motherhood, his charitable activities will tell what she was married to a member of the royal family. It is clear that they will tell about what they had to leave the royal family. I am sure that conversations will affect And Relations Megan and Father. Let's not forget that this is the first time a couple had the opportunity to present their history to themselves, "Katie said.

It has previously known that news about the upcoming interviews Megan and Harry in the Buckingham Palace accepted wary. According to the source from the palace, after a conversation with the hertvioles, they can deprive the latest privileges and remove from working with charitable organizations. And Harry, in addition, can deprive military ranks.

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According to Nikall, Megan and Harry cannot miss the opportunity to finally tell their history in their own words. In addition, they no longer work at the royal family and are not obliged to advise with anyone about their actions.

"As far as I know, they do not want to offend or upset someone from the royal family. They respect all belong to everyone, especially the queen. And do not forget that this interview will take place a few weeks before the 95th anniversary of the Queen and immediately before the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Prince Philip. Yes, probably, it will cause anxiety in the palace. But soon there will be a year, as they left Britain, and it may even stronger their exit from the royal family. Perhaps it comes to the point that Harry and Megan will completely lose their official royal patronage, "summed up Katie.

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