"On young badyana looks like": Lera Kudryavtseva showed how it looked in the 90s


49-year-old Lera Kudryavtseva posted a 26-year-old photo network. In the picture, she poses with his colleagues in the 90th musical transmission "Muzoboz". Next to Lero is its co-hosting - Otar Kusnashvili and Ivan Demidov. Recall that the Music and Information Author's program of production of the VID television company was first broadcast on February 2, 1991 on the first channel as part of the transfer of "Look".

At first it was short news inserts with fragments of stars performances. Later, this rubric was released into independent transmission. In 1995, Ivan Demidov was leading, Journalists Otar Kushanashvili and Lera Kudryavtseva. Archival photos from the shooting of one of the gear Lera shared with subscribers in Instagram. Fans did not immediately recognized the young Lero. At that time, the blonde wore a short haircut and bangs, and their eyebrows plucked into a thin string.

Looking at the photo of the idol in a wide white sweater and light jeans, Folloviers compared Kudryavtsev with a star of the Cinema of the 90s - a popular actor, performer of the leading role in Kinoshage about the adventures of the Gardenairines. "Lera in the photo on the young badyana is similar," the fans commented on, noting that the popular leading - the only of the whole of the Trinity practically did not change.

Recalling, the leading only recently recovered after a severe injury that she received, falling from the stairs in his country house. Kudryavtseva diagnosed the sacrum fracture in three places and the spine injury. Doctors prescribed a star hard bed mode. At home, she moved in a wheelchair. Now the actress does not threaten care. She is gradually getting into the world in the company of her husband and daughters.

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