"Falls on the head like a brick": Syabitova advised brides, do not wait for the prince


TV presenter, the star of the transfer "Let's get married" Rosa Xiabitov published on his page in Instagram record in which he tells how to build a happy marriage. In post, celebrity gives dozens of advice, which are primarily connected with the financial side of living together.

"Dear brides, stop waiting for a rich prince, which" falls "to you on your head like a brick, and begin to prepare for marriage. The first thing you should learn is to live by means, "says Syabitova.

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At the end of the record, the famous Swaha asks for subscribers, whether they taught their daughters to treat money, and asks them to tell about their experience.

Fans did not pass by the publication of the TV presenter. In the comments, you can meet dozens of messages in which fans from all over the country are divided with Xiabitite their family stories.

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"The daughter does not know how to marry is not going, lives in his pleasure. With her character, it's hard to find a husband, she is a warrior, "users of the network are divided by stories.

Also, many fans thanked the celebrity for the advice with which she shared in his personal blog. Fans admitted that he was listening to the opinion of Xiabitite, and her records helped to solve many family problems.

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