5 series of 2020, which is worth paying attention to


While the coronavirus pandemic froze the shooting and exit of the long-awaited premiere full-length films, new series exit practically in the same time - and 2020 pleased us nearby really interesting innovations that you could miss. Here are some of them definitely worth your attention.

"Chiki" (8 episodes)

Production: Russia

Genre: Drama, comedy


The story of four girlfriends, working "night butterflies" on the highway and decided to tie with the past. The road to a new life will not be simple, but the goal is worth it.

This novelty is 2020 and critics, and kinomans are characterized as a "very affluent spectacle." The series is positively appreciated even those spectators who were tired of waiting for decent creations from Russian cinema. The picture will make you remember the legendary "Internet", only on modern way. The series is removed absolutely realistic, the acting game - both the main characters and secondary characters - deserves the highest praise. But, despite the heavy theme that the director Edward Oganesyan is raised, the series is replete with sparkling jokes and funny situations, and some of the dialogues will inevitably disperse the quotes.

"Country of Lovecraft" (10 episodes)

Production: USA

Genre: horrors, fantasy, thriller

Premiere date: August 2020

A 22-year-old African American, who returned from the war in Korea, goes to New England in search of his father. On the way, he will be faced not only with cruel racism, but also the most real monsters.

For lovers to ripped themselves at nerves, the Americans prepared another horror shot, filmed on the book of Matt Raffa. Roman readers and criticism themselves took very warmly, appreciating the atmosphere of the "tense thriller" and "terrifying nightmare" that reign in it. Events in the work unfold in the era of racial segregation, infringement of the right of the black population of the United States. The consequences of the introduction of these hard and ambiguous restrictions, resulting in the wave of violence and lawlessness, for the main characters skillfully intertwined with Lovekraft horrors, which beyond the scope of the usual being.

"Parents of the Year" (2 seasons)

Production: Great Britain

Genre: comedy

IMDB rating: 7,1

If you are already parents or someday you plan to become, this light and truly funny comedy, telling about what it is - to be a modern parent, you will definitely have to taste.

The series clings from the first scene: the night, children are foggled in their room, and Martin Freman, filmography who acted as a family of a family, heading to their bedroom, repeating himself: "I will not shout on them, I am an adult who knows how to control his emotions." And what does he do, barely enter the nursery? That's right, not embarrassed in expressions, it begins to shit loudly on his naughty chad.

"Love 101" (8 episodes)

Production: Turkey

Genre: Melodrama, comedy

IMDB rating: 7,1

Another series from Netflix will definitely conquer the sympathy of the women's audience. An exciting story about love and friendship, without impurities of vulgarity and cruelty characteristic of most modern projects. In the center of the plot - the company of adolescent-hooliganov, in which the excellent girl suddenly flows down. The picture goes beyond the usual Turkish cinema, as the story is not focused on the romantic feelings of the heroes of lovers, but also affects the topics of friendship, love to themselves and the world. It was pleasant to please the game of actors, beautiful music and the dynamic development of the story, which fascinates and does not get bored for a minute.

"In a dense forest" (6 episodes)

Production: Poland, USA

Genre: Detective, drama

Premiere date: June 2020

Many years ago, four teenagers were missing in the summer camp. Naspech buried bodies of two soon discovered the police. The remaining two never found. The prosecutor Pavel Kopinski is particularly acutely interested in the disclosure of the case, because among the two disrupted missing was his sister. The new impetus to the investigation gives the detection of the corpse, in which they identified one of the missing adolescents. Only the Sister Paul remains the freeway, and in order to solve the secret of her disappearance, he has to reveal the secrets of the past.

The film was removed based on the novel of the "Chage" of the American writer Harlan Koben, who deserved the love of readers as a work with an exciting intriguing story, which does not let go to the most recent line.

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