"Publishes supposedly refutations": Sambursk accused of a lawyer Drobysh in a cheap high


Not so long ago, Nastasya Samburskova declared his fans about what was going to retrain from the actress in the singer. And for this, she concluded a contract with the producer center (PC) Victor Drobysh, where the girl stated that they would make a real star from her. However, this did not happen. As a result, the "Univer" star filed to the PC Drobysh to the court, which, according to Kati Gordon, lost.

Apparently, because of this, Samburskaya decided to blame the producer lawyer in the cheap High. The star published the appropriate post on his page in Instagram, entolding it to Highipozhors.

The celebrity reminded that it has a producer agreement with Dr., which, according to her, did not bring big professional achievements. As a result, real work on its promotion was completed, and did not have time to try. After that, only the "bible conditions and obligations under the contract" remained between the producer center and singer.

To abandon them, Samburstskaya appealed to the court, which at the beginning of February this year obliged Drobysh to provide it with a report on work for several years. The lawsuit actresses satisfied only partially, considering the stated foundations that are not relevant to the subject of the contract. "It happens even if your business lawyers in bright costumes are taken for your business. No other solutions are accepted by the court. New commitments in my producing at V. Ya. Drobysh did not appear, because there was no such demand in my claim. My intentions to develop independently have not changed, "commented the SAMBRSKOM SITUATION.

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She also hurried to dispel rumors that flooded many Internet resources in recent days. "The cheap Haip of one who cannot confirm your professionalism by affairs. And to give the name of the surname, it is forced to distribute information that does not correspond to reality, resorting to primitive reception. Publishes supposedly "refutation" that everything is not so in the statements of the other party, "says the star.

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