"I have no guy yet": Ida Galich ridicked the day of all lovers after a divorce


TV presenter and singer Ida Galich shared on his page at Instagram Comic video dedicated to February 14. In the video, the celebrity says that she does not have a young man during the holiday period, and after attacking the couple in love.

"I have no boyfriend yet, but it does not care much," the actress says in the video.

Short video launched Galich's subscribers. Under the entry, you can meet dozens of delight comments: fans celebrate the wonderful sense of humor of the TV presenter, her acting talent, and for many this video turned out to be "vital".

"So short and funny. Once 1000 revised, "the fans write.

Not passed by the roller and colleagues Galich: in the comments you can find admiring answers, for example, from the Hammali musician and the actress Natalia Oreva.

Recall, Ida Galich from 2018 to 2020 was married to Alan Bassiev. In February last year, Leon's son was born, who, after confirmation, he lives with his mother. Parting was for many surprise, since on social networks the famous blogger showed an ideal family life. The causes of the divorce are unknown: Galich tries not to comment on this, noting only that the gap did not occur due to finance.

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