"I had to remember all the lullabies": Valeria laid out family photos with her granddaughter


Singer Valeria published a series of photographs with his granddaughter Selin on a personal Instagram page, which was born on January 1 of this year. In the pictures, the celebrity gently holds a girl in his arms, on one of the photos next to her and her husband Joseph Prigogin. In signatures, Valery talks about changes in their lives, which brought granddaughter.

"Now our family has a powerful attraction point - our wonderful Celine, it is impossible to break away from it. Yesterday I had to remember all the lullabies who sang our children, "writes the singer.

Fans with warmth adopted publication. In the comments, they congratulate Valery with the replenishment in the family, they want her, and Young Celine of Happiness and Love.

"Children are great happiness. Valeria, what are you happy. How much tenderness in the photo, "fans write.

Other subscribers shared in the comments with their own stories. Many people told that they themselves raise grandchildren and perfectly understand Valery. Fans are confident: and Joseph Prigogin, and Valeria will become beautiful grandparents and will not leave his granddaughter without attention.

Recall, Celine Schulgin was born on January 1, 2021. Her parents were the younger son Valery Arseny and his spouse Liana, who got married at the end of the summer of last year. According to the recognition of the young mother, the name for the girl is chosen non-randomly: it is a combination of her names of her parents.

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