"You really need a guy": Kate Beckinsale surprised the fans of fun with a cat


Kate Beckinsale again showed how close to her relationship with Willow's domestic cat. Favorites actresses often become the heroes of her funny video. Recently, Kate published a series of new rollers, in which she cleans his teeth and cat, combing himself and her one comb, makes a leaving agent, like himself, and kisses the cat in his nose.

The actress fans are joking that it urgently needs a man, and at the same time admire her sense of humor: "You are an exemplary kitomama," how did you manage to clean your teeth? "," You need to open a spa cat "," You have a unique video with cats "," "You're like that crazy with cats from" Simpsons ". You really need a guy. "

Previously, Kate removed the video on which he tried to repeat the position of one of his cats during climbing. She also published a lot of video on which he dances and communicates with her pets, and in one of them "used" a cat as a dough for pizza.

Comments that Kate is time to tie relations with a man, appear almost under each video similar video. However, Bekinsale herself jokes that she was married to his cat. At least, so she answered a question about marriage to one of the subscribers.

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