New rubric PopcornNews: Beauty Secrets


My name is Kira, I am a beauty photographer and an enthusiastic fan of makeup. In the process of work, I discovered a lot of useful information for myself and I would like to share it with you.

The purpose of my blog is to move knowledge about fashionable professional make-up to the world of everyday life and make them available to ordinary people. I will tell you about cosmetics, beauty products and the intricacies of the choice of cosmetics, and also I will try to dispel the common beauty myths.

In this column there will be no strict rules and instructions, it is not a guidance, which lipsticks and face creams should be used, because there are no universal funds for all occasions and types of skin. There is no doubt that my readers are quite insightful to take their own solutions and choose cosmetics with personal needs. The meaning is to encourage you to think about why you want to give yourself a certain appearance, and then help achieve the desired goal.

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The first topic I want to discuss with you is Skin Preparation for Makeup . I will not write about how to care for the skin, is a completely different topic. I focus on how to prepare the skin for makeup.

Without skin training, you should not even think about makeup. Remember, if you have uneven skin, cosmetics will fall as uneven.

To prepare, you will use the following products: tonic, moisturizer, a base for makeup - it all depends on the peculiarities of the skin.

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Clamped extended pores, rashes and black points are not decorated - this is a fact. Do not neglect the skin cleansing with a neutral PH balance, especially if the skin is fat.

Step 2.

If there are no special problems with the skin, it is enough to wipe the face with tonic or micellar water. It will remove the excess fat and helps make a makeup longer.

Step 3.

Moisten the skin or take advantage of the makeup. Do not interfere with one with another. Modern bases have a good moisturizing effect, and on a layered cake from several creams makeup creams. Well, if one of the tools will protect the skin from the sun.

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The skin of the century is the fattest on the whole face. Do not believe? Spend a napkin in the eyes - there will be the same fat traces on it, as after testing the T-zone. Fat protects super thin skin from environmental impact, but it is the main reason for the short life of eye makeup. Therefore, before applying shadows, it is necessary to remove excess fat from them, otherwise cosmetics will roll.


The age of the eyelid is better to purify water based drugs, they do not cause irritation (even a cotton disk, moistened in warm water, is suitable for particularly sensitive eyes). Do not apply a moisturizing cream.

Why without cream? The skin of the eyelid is very thin and almost does not absorb creams and gels. It happens that, applying a cream before bedtime, in the morning when washing, we feel that he didn't go anywhere. Generously inflicting moisturizing agents on the skin of the eyelid, you cover it with a dense film, which will flow any makeup.

Step 2.

To protect and moisture, choose a good consilet or a tone cream for yourself. The skin of the eyelids is covered with a network of small capillaries and red spots, the tone lines the color, make the surface to smooth, absorb the released fat, protects the skin and extends life to eye makeup.

Step 3.

Slightly twist the eyelids with a transparent powder, it will facilitate the process of applying shadows.

Friends, be sure to share your impressions about the new category. Are you interested in receiving useful advice from professionals? What are the topics of you most interesting?

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