"Is this a monument to Batman?": Maxim Galkin surprised the social network statue in the courtyard at home


Actor and comedian Maxim Galkin In his Instagram account published a cut from the funny rollers, which he shot specifically for the Tiktok platform. In the video, the artist is trying to ridiculously fall into the snow in the courtyard of his house, you can see the snow-covered trees behind his back, as well as a large black statue.

"As I take a ticker," says Galkin.

Fans rated the video. They celebrated the famous sense of humor Galkin, his artistism and talent. Also, the fans drew attention to an unusual statue in the courtyard, someone even saw the image of a famous superhero from comic.

"Is this a monument to Batman?" - Ask subscribers.

Maxim Galkin reacted to the question. He answered the affirmative, saying that the sculpture was indeed devoted to the famous fighter with crime.

Other fans noted that Galkin's works are watching at Tiktok's creativity, where the humorist has already published several dozen rollers who collected hundreds of thousands of Likes. They praise the artist for zeal and bright publications.

Recall, a few days ago, Maxim Galkin released the song "Valentine's Day", as well as a clip on it, dedicated to the famous holiday of lovers. The video has already collected more than 270 thousand views and hit the Trends YouTube.

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