Popular blogger James Charles "Tripted" pregnancy for 24 hours


Famous blogger James Charles published on his channel on Youtube a new video, which is trying to understand for 24 hours, what is the life of pregnant girls. Charles attracted its best friend Mel Mellao to the process, which is now expecting a second child.

"I, Laura and all our close friends sat in a group chat. A few days ago we joked with her, after which she said that I did not stretch 24 hours of pregnant, "says Charles about the history of the idea of ​​the video.

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In his video, the blogger goes with an overhead belly and performs various tasks to understand whether he can cope with an unusual role. James noted that the video does not bear the goal to make rise pregnancy and all complications that arise in its process.

"It's just a carefree video to see if I can hold out 24 hours, overcoming some of the problems that I can experience today," explains the blogger.

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During the "pregnancy", Charles took part in a photo shoot, similar to a photo session, in which Beyonce starred, when she really was in a position, after which the twins and Carter were born at the singer. "Surprise ... New video is already now," - signed a provocative snapshot in Instagram blogger.

It is worth noting that James is not for the first time surprising fans with an unusual material. Earlier, blogger has published a photo on which he has no hair on his head, and stated that later tells what happened.

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