CW channel refused to produce the series "Miracle Girl"


CW cable channel refused to continue the development of the "Miracle Girl" series, in which the audience should have acquainted with the superheroines of Latin American origin. Specific reasons are not specified. The reports on the cancellation of the show shared on Twitter by the author of the script and producer of pilot episoda Denin Rodriguez ("Queen of the South").

"Sad news. For anyone who asks: "Miracle Girl" will not appear in CW ether. I incredibly proud of the script written by me, and I really wanted to divide the world with people with me, but now it is not destined to happen. Thank you all for enthusiasm. "

In the center of the plot of the superhero drama was to be a young girl Yara Flor. The heroine was born from the union of female Amazon and the Brazilian river god. The young owner of superhuman abilities was supposed to withstand the insidious forces of evil, constantly seeking to destroy the world. The idea was to be the honorary title of wonder women in the Universe "arrows" in the Universe.

Greg Bernti, Sarah Shekhter and David Madden also took part in the development of a pilot series on the rights of producers. The actress did not have time to choose the actress.

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