Photo from the registry office: 48-year-old Daria Relatorova married a millionaire


The 48-year-old actress Daria Deloennova married all lovers. Long romance of artist with the President of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo Andrei Sharonov ended with a wedding.

Daria shared joyful news with subscribers in Instagram. She showed several pictures from the registry office and officially announced the change of married status. Lovers decided to abandon the canons of wedding clothes, but remained within the framework of the classics. So, the bride was in white, and the groom put on a black suit. True, instead of a lush dress Daria chose a stylish costume with shortened trousers.

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"We walked to it almost eight years! And they came, "he gladly informed Rotarynov in a personal blog.

Fans came to delight and glad for their favorite artist. They fell asleep to the calling and her husband compliments and good wishes. Many noted that the newlyweds look very harmonious together and look truly happy. Congratulations were joined by Darya's colleagues, among them actress Svetlana Ivanov, Elena Xennofontov, Ekaterina Vulichenko, Alena Khmelnitskaya, Glafira Tarkhanov.

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"What beautiful", "Congratulations, you are a luxurious couple", "What a couple! Congratulations from all my heart, "" Beautiful and happy! Hooray! "," You are so harmonious, happiness to you! " - I was pleased with the actress of fans.

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