Mom Duina Johnson was interviewed and became a stars of social network


Recently, Dueine Johnson became a guest of the Jimmy Kimmela online show, but Mama Duine, 72-year-old Ata Johnson, who unexpectedly appeared for the lead and spectators appeared in the frame and produced a furor, fulfilling a Hawaiian song under Ukulele.

During a conversation with Rock Kimmel, he remembered that his mother plays well on Ukulele, and then Duane decided to invite her to the frame. Ata happily greeted Kimmel, a little chatted with him, and then began to play Ukulele, confusing his son.

Ata was born in Hawaii. She performed the traditional song, which, according to her, always sings with his relatives when he visits them in his homeland. The end of the song she redested for Kimmel: "When you are not near, we are sad. We love you, Jimmy. " During the fulfillment of Ata Duyne barely held back laughter, but nevertheless his mother. Kimmel was delighted with what is happening.

After the show, the cliff published a fragment with the performance of Ata in his twitter and wrote: "My mom exactly loves Jimmy Kimmel (I even seem to me, more than me, because I never sang this song). I can not stop laughing. What a beautiful moment was! Thank you, brother, for inviting us. "

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