"The worst thing I did - injections in the head": Savicheva about plastic operations


On Valentine's Day, Julia Savicheva celebrates his birthday - the singer is 34 years old. On the eve, she became a member of the YouTube show "There are rumors", the leading of which noted that the actress still looks like a 16-year-old girl - it was at this age she came to the "Star Factory" and won popular love and popularity.

Ramine Esgazay reminded that many of the peers of Savicheva had already resorted to plastic. However, the singer against such interventions. "This is my principled position. If God gave you an appearance, it is necessary to be proud of it, "said the performer Hit" High ".

In her opinion, a person himself must work on himself, because beauty is a big job. So Yulia has to limit yourself in sweet, although she loves to cook cakes. She is engaged in sports with a trainer, cares for the skin.

For the sake of preservation of beauty, Savichev did not resort not only to plastic operations, but even to injections. "No Ukolov I do not. The worst thing I did is injections in the head of your blood plasma. Everything!" - did not hide the actress. For her, the beauty of the beauty is much more important than the external appeal. Julia is confident that the negative, which man is experiencing to others, is also reflected on the face.

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