Pedro Pascal is also guilty: the fans of Gina Karano accused disney in hypocrisy


The other day, Disney studio announced the termination of the contract with the actress Gina Karano, performing one of the central roles in the TV series "Mandalorets". The reason for the breaking of the relationship was the record of actress in social networks, where she compared the murder of Jews during the Holocaust with the current political climate in the United States. In Lucasfilm called this post "disgusting and unacceptable."

But attentative networking users found the old post of another project participant - Pedro Pascal. In 2018, he shared in the image of Germany in 1944 and signed a photo, noting that this is current America. Fans hit an angry criticism to the company, stating that there they behave hypocritically towards women actresses, which were not allowed by the fact that their male colleagues are allowed.

"Disney re-hired James Gunn, but fired Ginu Karano," said Jack Poster's commentator. He meant the director dismissed in 2018 for insulting jokes in social networks, but returned to work a year later.

In addition, Twitter is gaining momentum to refuse to refuse to disney + due to the company's policy. Now users are waiting for a response from the studio - whether Gin will be returned to work or measures will be taken towards Pascal.

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