"Was-bank went": Deine Salea and her family threatens violence for spicy photos


The famous blogger Dina Saeva was a victim of real Internet trace, as he hurried to tell on his Instagram page. So, the star published a story, where he stated the following: "If something happens to me, I remember two things: 1. I respect all religions. 2. I love you very much! Thank you all for your support!"

It all started after Dina published a series of its rather candid photos. The situation was glowed, since the tictilers, as is well known, is a native of Uzbekistan, and therefore, according to Heyters, should walk covered, as religion requires. As a result, the perturbed network users began banning the publications of the Salea, and even those that could not be called provocative.

However, having achieved the removal of many instady posts, her ill-wishers did not calm down and switched to threats.

This is what Deina writes about it in his story: "They tried to get to my family, find contacts through my acquaintances. They sent them messages not only an offensive nature, but also a threat to violence. Without seeing the reaction, the Va-Bank went and touched upon my late father. Knowing that I can not calmly react to the like ".

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It should be noted that various accounts continue to appear on the expanses of social networks that Dinina is "insulting representatives of Islamic religion." Saeva, in turn, recognizes that it is seriously worried about his life, but at the same time does not lose hope that soon the conflict will be exhausted.

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