"It's not competed for a long time.": Son Rudkovskaya boasts a victory in the tournament


Evgeny Plushenko's son and Yana Rudkovskaya Alexander, also known as Gnome Dwarf, shared a record at his Instagram page, which spoke about the victory in the February Patterns tournament. The post, the young athlete illustrated several pictures, as well as the video with the hand of the Cup.

"Was the youngest among the participants. I have not competed for a long time, I felt the adrenaline and spirit of the competition! The next start - in 10 days! " - signed a record skater.

Dwarm's followers under the publication congratulated him with the victory. They celebrated the effort and diligence of the 8-year-old athlete, his talent and self-dedication. According to the network users, Alexander will definitely build an impressive sports career.

"Cool, congratulations! Your work is worth such a reward, "say fans.

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Other subscribers were surprisingly noted by Alexander modesty. According to them, the child grows very brought up and polite, for which Folloviers gave tribute to Evgenia Plushenko and Yane Rudkovskaya. Recall, the famous couple raises not only Alexander, born in 2013. In the fall of last year, the spouses had a second joint child, the son of Arseny, for this they had to take advantage of the services of a surrogate mother. The famous producer regularly publishes the studies of the heir in his personal blog, telling how his growing up.

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