The director of HBO confirmed that the reunion of "friends" will take place this spring


The shooting of the long-awaited reunion of "friends" was originally planned for March 2020, but then the coronavirus pandemic intervened and the project had to postpone. For a long time, nothing was heard about him, but then Matthew Perry (Chandler) was mentioned that a special episode would be released in March 2021, and last month and Lisa Kudrou (Fili) shared that he had already filmed his material. And now the good news brought the HBO boss.

In a recent interview with ENTERTINMENT WEEKLY CASESI BLOYS explained why Kudro took some scenes separately from other actors. Everyone hopes that the cultic six of the heroes will gather together, and now you can not doubt: it will be true, not without nuances. The content director said that the characters "something do something here, then there", but at the same time the main idea of ​​a special issue is that they will be together.

"The situation with COVID was difficult - not only for this project, but also for television production in all directions. So we seem to be cope with everything, and reunion will happen to this spring, "the HBO leader added.

Of course, the fans of the word Blois were very encouraged, because they did not know what to wait for a whole year, and now they will get a reward for their excitement. Last year, Jennifer Aniston (Rachel) picked up fans, saying that an extra time for development would allow to make an episode even more "exciting and cheerful", and no one doubts in her words. With "friends" otherwise and can not be.

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