"Unworthy to perform a hymn": in the State Duma did not approve the dream of Olga Buzova


Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Drepeko commented on the recent statement of TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova about what she would like to speak with the Russian anthem in some major event. By his opinion, politicians shared in a conversation with Daily Storm.

According to Drepeko, it is categorically against such perfomans and considers the candidacy of a rapid buzzial inadmissible.

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"As, probably, any normal person, I believe that Olga Buzova is simply unworthy to fulfill the anthem of Russia at state events!" - Politician said.

She is sure that in Russia to fulfill the anthem can many talented people, but the leading "house 2" is not included in this list.

"We have quite wonderful singers on the stage, opera singers who may well do it worthy. And for this, Olga Buzova is absolutely not needed! " - Things Drapeko.

At the end of the conversation, the politician said that the main reason for the statement of Buzova - the desire to get to the news agenda. According to politics, the singer is trying to once again remind itself and become an informational reason.

A few days ago, at his Instagram page, Buzova said that she dreams of performing the anthem of Russia at one of the major events: the Olympiad, the Victory Parade or the World Championships. According to the singer, her love for his homeland is manifested in this dream.

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