Former husband Jennifer Aniston shared a personal photo in honor of her 52th anniversary


Justin's relationships and Jennifer Aniston are always a mystery to fans. Even after breaking, the couple kept friendly relationships and congratulates each other with the holidays. On February 11, the actress celebrated its 52nd birthday, and the Teurtu could not leave it without attention. He shared interesting pictures in his Instagram, which depicts Aniston, and the photos themselves are made in black and white tones. "Happy Birthday, Jennifer," the actor signed a briefly.

Aniston and Tera declared parting just a few days after her 49th anniversary in 2018. In October of the same year, it became known that the former beloved all is well after the gap. In 2020, Aniston pleased the fans - she saw with her first husband Brad Pitt and photographed with him at a public event after their gap in 2005.

Earlier it was reported that Jennifer Aniston was noticed on the set of "Morning Show". The actress appeared on the set in a jacket, a high-cut skirt and heel shoes. Also Aniston painted her hair into a brighter color. The release of the multi-veneer drama "Morning Show" took place on the Apple TV + video service on November 1, 2019. Critics and viewers warmly accepted it, so the creators were allowed to develop a continuation.

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