"I was waiting for a child": Daria Moroz admitted that married due to pregnancy


Recently, Daria Moroz gave a great interview in which he spoke about work, motherhood and marriage. With director Konstantin, the Bogomolov actress lived in marriage for about 8 years, the couple has a common daughter Anna. During the interview, Daria admitted: with Konstantin, they at one time we looked at the relationship because of her pregnancy. "My bones and I got married more because I was waiting for a child, and we decided that it would be easier with the documents," says Moroz in an interview with Womanhit.

Also, the actress does not hide that the divorce with the Bogomol will benefit her: Daria began to work more and dedicated himself an acting career. Previously, according to Frost, she was in the shade of her husband. Now the ex-wife of Bogomolov pays more time to itself.

In an interview with Daria Moroz talks about marriage. The actress believes that the wedding means the end of love. "Someone wants to be in the status of a married woman, but in fact the stamp in the passport does not guarantee anything," approves the actress.

Now Daria Frost is no longer associated with the name of the former spouse. The actress says that it makes no sense to swear to each other in eternal feelings, because feelings and emotions change over time and can happen anything. "To broadcast that we are together forever, meaningless: feelings are developing, flow from one state to another or disappear. Everything happens, and they will not be stuck them - neither rings nor oaths, "makes frost in an interview for Womanhit.

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