"Male attention is not deprived of": Ida Galich replied, whether it is not difficult alone


As you know, now a blogger and TV presenter Ida Galich is experiencing a divorce with his spouse Alan Bassiev. The public has learned about the partition of the pair in December last year. Then the star emphasized that it would not go into details and explain why their family broke up.

The fans in turn are experiencing for their favorite and are often interested in her well-being. So, recently, Ida decided to communicate with Follovers in the format of questions and answers on its Instagram page. One of the network users asked whether Galich was hard on solitude. Responding, she admitted that not alone at all.

"Once during pregnancy I looked at my stomach ... And such a wave of happiness rolled into me. Everything, Idunchik, whatever happens, you will never now you won't be alone. Never! I still madly lucky with my huge family. God gave me the most steep and devoted friends, "Ida explained his position.

However, the fans, of course, was more worried about the personal side of the question. It seems to many that instadiva could already fall in love again. That is why Galich's blog has the following question: "Did you have new relationships?"

Ida replied that now simply does not represent what should happen so that she began to think about the relationship again. According to her, she is well alone with him. At the same time, the star emphasized that she was a conscious choice.

"Honestly, I'm not deprived of male attention and is hardly someday. But ... To get to these your serious debris again. Dismiss! " - categorically stated celebrity.

Recall that in marriage with Alan bassiyev, Ida Galik first became mom. In February last year, their son Leon appeared. Despite parting, the ex-spouses continue to bring up a common heir together, while retaining friendly relations.

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