From an angel in the villain: Megan Plant accused of pretending next to Prince Harry


Prince Harry and Megan Markle this year will celebrate the third anniversary of the wedding, and the family scandals around the stars "Force Major" will not subsigh down. Recently it became known that the summary sister of the actress Samanta Grant published a book in which she promises to reveal "positive, negative and dirty" moments of the personal life of Duchess.

In his memoirs, Samantha accused Megan Plant in hypocrisy and pretendation: According to Mrs. Grant, one day the Duchess led a polite conversation with his father on the phone in the presence of Prince Harry. But it was worth the prince to go out into another room, as Megan immediately began to tear a relative, with whom she had a tense relationship. Samantha noted that it was not going to be limited to one book and already thinking about the second manuscript.

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According to the information of the Tabloid Vanity Fair, Megan does not worry about the publication of the memoirs of his pivot sister. "Megan did not see Samantha for many years and the assumption that the Duchess had negatively responded to the news about the release of the book, far from reality. Megan hardly knows Samantha, they have not seen about 20 years, "the publication quotes the words of their informant.

We will remind, earlier the grant accused Megan in unwillingness to help his father. Samantha recalled the actress of the Ralph & Russia brand dress worth 75 thousand dollars, which was on Megan during a photo session in honor of the engagement with Prince Harry. "You could spend this money on my father," the sophisticated sister reproached.

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