Korean cosmetics conquers Hollywood: True beauty secrets of famous actresses


For the first time, the Korean cosmetics was held loudly around the world thanks to this fashionable product as a BB cream. This is a unique tool that combines the properties of a tone and moisturizing cream, accounted for not only residents of South Korea, but also to women in other countries. Since then, the beauties of the whole world carefully follow the innovations of Korean care and decorative cosmetics. Now many Korean brands offer their Version of BB-cream. For example, in the KoreaQosmetics store presented BB and CC creams of a wide variety of shades, with different active ingredients and properties.

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The main advantage of Korean cosmetics, according to specialists, is its natural composition and an innovative approach to creating a product. Manufacturers bet on natural components in which there will always be more benefits than in synthetic analogues. In Korean brands, such as Benton, are not afraid of bold experiments. "One of the trends of recent years in Korean cosmetics is the creams for the face with the use of snail mucus," says Star Cosmetologist Charlotte Lee. - mucus contributes to more efficient humidification and regeneration of the skin. It helps to get rid of the scars and keep the skin elasticity for a long time. Speaking masks and night creams are very popular. "

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"Among Korean cosmetics, you can find such funds that are not presented on other beauty markets, as well as get acquainted with real innovations in the world of beauty," - explains his love for Korean products Star Awareness of Fiona Stiles, which regularly works with Demi Moore, Heidi Klum , Diana Kruger, Milly Yovovich and other famous actresses. What is worth, for example, intense cleansing mask with volcanic clay from Innisfree - thanks to volcanic ashes, which is part of this tool, the mask deeply cleans the pores, fights the skin fat, absorbing the extraction of the sebaceous glands, pulls the toxins and lines the skin microtecture and narrows the pores .

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Another feature of Korean cosmetics, which has fallen to the majority of Celabritis, is a sunscreen effect. It's no secret that light skin in Asia is a real cult. It is not surprising that local cosmetics producers add the best filters to their products protecting from the malicious effects of sun rays. And the protection of the Sun is the main beauty rule of all Hollywood beauties. "I will not leave the house until I am sure that my skin is reliably protected from the Sun," says 48-year-old Nicole Kidman. The undoubted advantage of Korean brands, which will not be interested in no so many stars as ordinary buyers, is an affordable price. Manufacturers promise an excellent result without excessive financial costs. Perhaps you should check?

In the brand Benton, which was established in 2011, Korean Dr. Lee Chan Volo, presents a variety of snail mucus products. These are creams, and masks, lotions, and essences for the face. Contains exceptionally natural ingredients, ideal for problem and sensitive skin. Very often, such an unexpected component is also added to the products as a bee poison. Among the lastness of the last, by the way, there are 43-year-old Gwyneth Paltrow, which, despite age, can boast elastic leather and lack of wrinkles. You can buy Benton Korean cosmetics on the official website www.benton-cosmetic.ru in order to avoid fakes.

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