"Do not disgrace the country!": Olga Buzova frightened Russians by the desire to sing the hymn


Singer Olga Buzova on his Instagram page admitted that she had a new dream. Many thought that after parting with Raper David Manukyan, the artist will begin to produce songs and clips about unhappy love. What was the surprise of network users when they found out that the star plans to sing nothing but the anthem of our country.

"I decided on another dream! I want to fulfill the anthem of Russia for you on one of the big events! This can be anything: World Championship, Olympiad, Victory Parade! Let in this dream will be all the most covenant, what is the love of his homeland, "Olga admitted.

Folloviers extremely ambiguously perceived such an idea. Many would not really wanted this dream of Buzova to be: "Olya, no need!", "You can prove the love of Russia somehow, without latering the hymn," "Only not that, do not touch, do not quiet," "not disgrace The country! "," Only this was not enough. "

Also, some expressed the hope that if Olga and won the honor to fulfill the anthem, she would do it under the phonogram, since otherwise people with musical hearing would have to be disadvantaged. Olga Buzov preferred to such caustic remarks of Network users.

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